Competitive advantages

  • The district’s geographical location is ideal for economic sectors that rely on imported raw materials and fuel, facilitating the transit of goods and passengers. It also supports the development of a local agro-industrial complex aimed at cultivating organic products.
  • Territorial isolation can be a competitive advantage, especially for industries like sustainable agriculture and organic farming, different forms of tourism utilizing local geothermal and balneological resources, and ecotourism. These areas can attract individuals seeking to live in harmony with nature.
  • The benefits include the climate and the extensive forest area in Krasnodar region. Forested areas make up 91.7% of the total forested area, while non-forested areas, mainly consisting of pastures, roads, and other lands, cover 6.5% of the total area. Roads cover 1,210 hectares, clearings 426 hectares, and unused areas account for 2,558 hectares, which is 2% of the total area.
  • The region, with its unique natural and climatic conditions, is highly suitable for on the health resort and hospitality industries.
  • Rich mineral and raw material resources create opportunities for developing specialized industries using local materials. These unique resources enable the establishment of new production facilities and the marketing of products in various regions of Russia and within Krasnodar region.
  • A well-established social environment. In the fields of education and culture, a network of institutions operates effectively, organizing events that are important for the district and its residents.
  • There are currently 26 schools, 27 kindergartens, and 6 additional education institutions in the district.
  • The growth of the sports sector has positive impact on the district’s image, attracts potential migrants, and reinforces the importance of a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature in people’s minds.
  • Availability of production sites with communication, power, and heating capacities.
  • Free production sites will enable the production of high-quality, valuable products from valuable timber species. These products can be effectively marketed in both Russian and international markets.
  • Small timber businesses can work together following production cooperation principles to participate in regional, Russian, and international value chains.
  • The district administration’s policy aims to encourage citizens to start their own businesses and boost the role of small and medium enterprises in the local economy and budget.
  • The strategy to diversify the economic structure will focus on enhancing the appeal of processing industries and services by improving the overall business environment and introducing economic incentives.